Language participation through communicative competences in work

Bridge course for economists
It is not always easy for graduates with degrees earned abroad to access employment adequate to their qualification. In this course, graduates in economic sciences are prepared for the particular requirements of everyday work in Germany and they receive support for their individual career planning.

SPRUNQ – Language Coaching for Vocational Support and Qualification
The project "SPRUNQ - Language Coaching for Vocational Support and Qualification" is a support offer for immigrants. People with an immigrant background who are seeking advice often have a specific need for further language development to adress general work-related and labour market questions.

Taking the broader view TDAR project
The aim of the EU-funded project "Transfer and Development of ArbetSam Results" is to contribute to the qualification of immigrant nurses, both in terms of language development and from a technical and intercultural point of view. After the development and successful implementation of models for vocational qualification of foreign nurses in Sweden, partners from Germany, Belgium, Spain and the UK are now trying our and the programme and improving it further.