A fresh wind on the labour market

Tapping the potentials of people with a migration background

How does the Network IQ
support my
credentials‘ recognition?

What does the Network IQ offer to municipalities and employment services?

Which support does the Network IQ provide for my company? 

The Network IQ –
Integration through Qualification

works towards the goal of improving the integration of adults of foreign origin into the labour market. It is of central interest that professional qualifications acquired outside Germany lead more often to long-term and educationally adequate employment.

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Fair Integration: Information - Advice - Support

The advice provided by Fair Integration is aimed at refugees and other migrants who are not from the EU. Fair Integration advises you on issues relating to your rights and obligations in employment and support you if you have problems in your job. Find out more about your rights and obligations on the website of Fair Integration. The Fair Integration advice centres are represented in all 16 federal states. The advice is free of charge, can be anonymous and is provided in different languages.



The series "IQ Good Practice" keeps growing, the new IQ Good Practice example "Fair Integration" is now online in English. The nationwide Fair Integration advice network was set up as part of the IQ funding programme to…

[ESF] The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has revised the information leaflet on the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus). It gives a current overview of the ESF Plus in the funding period 2021-2027 and is…

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04.02.2025 - 15:26

In diesem Kurzvideo der IQ Fachstelle Faire Integration wird erklärt, was bei einer Kündigung von Arbeitnehmer*innen beachtet werden muss. Außerdem wird verdeutlicht, was nach einer…


Network IQ - explanatory film
