Competence Centre for Work-Related German Language

The Competence Centre for Work-Related German Language in the Network IQ operates at the interface of labour market, further education and second language teaching.

At both the federal and the regional level, we are dialogue partners for actors from education, administration and research. We coordinate the professional exchange between the partners involved. Moreover, we design, coordinate and support further training opportunities in the area of work-related German language training in order to ensure the quality in this field.

Service for Quality Assurance

Pooling of expertise, materials and current developments in research and practice at (English version available)

  • Further development and transfer of quality criteria for vocational German language teaching
  • Development and testing of concepts and instruments, inter alia
    • for integrated occupational and language learning
    • for language awareness in vocational education and training
    • for the in-house training course "German at work"
    • Seminars for language trainers, counsellors and employees of companies who support for the in-house training "German at Work"

Dialog with the academic, administrative and policy community

The Competence Centre is in constant exchange with representatives from academic, administrative and policy community. While the dialogue with academica focusses on research needs, the dialogue with representatives from the administration (for example the Federal Employment Agency or the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) focusses on strategic objectives, such as the improvement of conditions for linguistic and professional training as well as for professional German courses. In detail, this means:

  • Anchoring integrated language and subject learning (IFSL) in labour market policy instruments
  • Transferring of the quality criteria into relevant public procurement procedures
  • Accompanying the implementation of public instruments for vocational language training
  • Coordination of the national dialogue forum on work-relatedGerman language, with the participation of practicioners, administrators and academics
  • Cooperation at federal level

We cooperate with partners from the IQ Competence Centres and the IQ regional networks to further develop practical approaches and their transfer into the regions.

Activities in cooperation with these partners are:

  • coordinating further education for teaching staff in work-related German courses
  • further education for language awareness raising of teaching staff and counsellors
  • informing and consulting decision-makers in education on course design and the transfer of  quality criteria
  • supporting the implementation of the ESF-BAMF programme for work-related language training
  • In-house: lobbying, acquisition of companies

You can reach the portal of the Competence Centre for Work-Related German Language at:


passage gGmbH

Nagelsweg 10
20097 Hamburg
