Counselling services in the IQ support programme Network "Integration through Qualification (IQ)"
Legislation on recognition, both at the level of the federal government and at federal states' level, has harmonized and simplified the recognition of foreign qualifications in Germany. However, the recognition process and the system of professional and vocational training are still confusing and complicated for many people. Around 120 advice centres from the Network IQ offer help here. They support people with foreign qualifications throughout the recognition procedure and to find work afterwards - individually and free of charge. Counselling is offered in person, by email or by telephone. In regions where there is no local IQ counselling point, there are mobile counselling offers.
Are you looking for an IQ counselling point in your region? You will find IQ counsellers near you on our partner website Recognition in Germany [Anerkennung in Deutschland].
The Network IQ offers two types of counselling:
1. IQ counselling on the recognition of foreign qualifications
In this type of counselling, advisors support people through every stage of the process of recognition of qualifications obtained abroad. Among other things, they help in
finding out about the recognition process and its benefits,
checking whether the conditions for a process are being fulfilled,
finding the German profession of reference,
finding the competent authority for your profession,
compiling documents and filling out forms,
estimating costs and identifying financial support options.
A recognition process is not suitable for every person receiving counselling. Sometimes, in the counselling process, it becomes clear that another route has better chances of leading to work appropriate to the candidate's education. Alternatives include vocational training schemes, self-employment or acquiring a German qualification via the so-called "external examination". In the external examination, you sit a final examination without having previously completed an apprenticeship or a course of study in Germany. In addition, language courses can be helpful.
2. Training advice IQ counselling on bridge training in the context of credential recognition
Often, further skills or work experience are needed in order to obtain full recognition of a foreign qualification. In some professions, specific courses have to be attended to be able to practice in the profession - for example a special language course for doctors. They have to reach a high level of technical language before they are even allowed to practice. The training counsellors supports people in finding an educational scheme really tailored to their individual needs. The IQ counsellors
give an overview of bridge training routes in the context of the recognition legislation
translate the "considerable differences" to the German reference profession (as identified by the competent authority and described in the notice of partial equivalence) into a suitable training course that can help fill those gaps and lead to full recognition
find the suitable scheme
help in the search for financial support.
People can make use of the IQ counselling on bridge training at any time - either before or after the recognition application or the evaluation of the university certificate.
Who uses the IQ counselling services? Facts and figures
Between August 2012 and September 2015, around 55,000 people used counselling on the recognition of foreign qualifications. Many cases are complex and often need more than one consultation. This was the case for about one third of those seeking advice, accounting for more than 30,000 follow-up consultations. It is mainly engineers, economists and people with qualifications in teaching and health professions (which are strictly regulated in Germany) who come for advice. Most people have a university degree and have lived in Germany for a very short time, i.e. for two years at most. Those seeking advice mainly originate from Poland, the Russian Federation, Syria, Romania and Ukraine.
IQ counselling on bridge training has been available since January 2015. By September 2015, around 3,000 people have used this offer, with more than 2,500 follow-on consultations. You will find more facts and figures on the recognition process in the IQ Fact Sheet on the subject. The IQ Competence Centre "Counselling and Job Training of Migrants" collates the consultation figures and evaluates them. The Competence Centre supports the counselling points with network events. It provides materials and training courses and takes care of quality development in counselling services.