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including hands-on report and interview with Dana Wunderlich, staff member of the coordinating office of the Network IQ Thuringia

Increasing transparency – creating structures

Optimisation of recognition procedures through cooperation at federal state level

Starting position/challenge

The complexity of the recognition procedure in the health sector presents challenges both for administration and counselling practice. In order to provide practical and transparent solutions for those seeking counselling and to structurally optimise procedure, close collaboration is required between the IQ Regional Networks and the competent authorities. The Network IQ Thuringia responded to this requirement and entered into communication with the federal state government. The Thuringia citizens’ commissioner established an advisory committee to promote exchange between the recognition authorities and the IQ counsellors in order to critically scrutinise approaches and to jointly identify practical and transparent solutions for those seeking counselling. The advisory committee meets on a regular basis and is moderated by the Thuringian citizens’ commissioner. Here, representatives of the IQ Regional Networks develop practical and transparent solutions together with the authorities responsible for the health and social care occupations and the Thuringian federal state administration office. The “Recognition” advisory committee performs the function of an administrative office. It brings together experiences from the practical work of the Network IQ and from the administration, and formulates these into recommendations for optimising the procedure.

Implementation of the strategic approach

Approximately four advisory committee exchange meetings take place each year. Representatives from the Network IQ , the federal state administration office, the citizens’ commissioner and other stakeholders involved in the procedure participate in the meetings. Moderation of the exchange by an elected representative from regional politics enables an ongoing process of change to support the improvement and acceleration of the recognition procedure. As a result of the collaboration within the advisory committee, the management levels of the highest federal state authorities are informed regarding the requirements and challenges facing all stakeholders. The intensive nature of the cooperation with the citizens’ commissioner has resulted in rapid implementation of measures decided on in the advisory committee. Experiences from the IQ counselling centres, job training projects and service centres have a direct influence on the work of the advisory committee. In 2017, and with the aim of improving document checking, the advisory committee focussed primarily on making joint improvements to the relevant application forms and agreed on set documents which had to be submitted. These application forms now also contain clear information regarding the required documents. After submitting the form, applicants receive confirmation of receipt in which any missing documents are specified. The reorganisation of information on the website of the Thuringian federal state administration office is contributing to increased transparency.


Involvement of ministerial levels of management enabled the exchange needed and the rethinking of the administration to be achieved. The resulting process optimisation was implemented rapidly and in a practical manner and was simplified for the target group concerned.

Target Group:

Recognition authorities, federal state governments and institutions involved in the recognition process

Strategic approach to the optimisation of the recognition procedure through cooperation at federal state level:

An exchange structure has been created between the recognition authorities and the Network IQ in the form of the “Recognition” advisory committee which has been set up and is moderated by the citizens’ commissioner [Bürgerbeauftragter] for Thuringia. This approach has made the challenges arising from practice at federal state level visible and has initiated ongoing change processes to support the improvement and acceleration of the recognition procedure. The intensive nature of the cooperation with the citizens’ commissioner has resulted in rapid implementation of changes decided on in the advisory committee.


Coordination of the Network IQ Thuringia and the IQ Service Centre Recognition Thuringia Organisation: Bildungswerk der Thüringer Wirtschaft e.V.

Contact partner:

Dana Wunderlich, Steinweg 24, 07743 Jena, Tel.: 03641/ 637593, wunderlich(at)


Key issues addressed in the advisory committee during 2017 are available in the annual report of the citizens’ commissioner of the Free State of Thuringia at 
