Federal Statistical Office: People with a Migrant Background Continue to be Disadvantaged

People with a migrant background – designating those and their offspring who have emigrated to Germany since 1949 – continue to differ clearly from those without a migrant background in terms of education, labour market participation and income.

The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reportred in December 2017 that, regarding several central integration indicators (e.g. unemployment rate, "working poor" rate), the differences between people with and without a migrant background have remained nearly unchanged since 2005. The integration indicators are part of the regular integration reports of the German Federal Government.

Both workers with and without a migration background profit greatly from the current German economy, leading to a tangibly diminished unemployment rate (7,1%) for people with a migration background. This constitutes a steep decrease of more than 10% since 2005, when the rate was 17,9%. Compared to those without a migration background, however, the labour market chances of people with a migration background remain worse. The employment gap between people with and without a migration background has stayed largely unchanged between 2005 (11,6%) and 2016 (12,7%). Also, the rate of "working poor" amongst people with a migration background, designating those workers that are at risk of poverty, has lingered around 13% (cf. people without a migration background: 6,2%).
