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including hands-on report and interview with Christina Gold, project contact for TransCareKult in the Network IQ Hessen

Two-way integration process

The TransCareKult training concept establishes a culture of openness and recognition across different cultures in residential healthcare and nursing organisations.

Starting position/challenge

There has been a shortage of trained staff in care organisations in Germany for a considerably long time. One way in which organisations are finding employees is by recruiting skilled workers from abroad. Unfortunately, the support needed by the nursing team in the important two-way integration process is rarely provided. In order to remedy this, the project has developed a training concept which focuses on cultural diversity in residential care. The training concept is based on a qualitative study conducted by the Hesse Insitutute of Nursing Research (Hessisches Institut für Pflegeforschung, HessIP) as part of the Network IQ Hesse. To help establish a two-way integration process for foreign general nurses, the researchers identified the requirements and needs of carers and of individuals at the organisational level. This took place in collaboration with the four residential healthcare and nursing organisations taking part in the work. Based on the scientific findings, the institute worked with carers on the wards and in the residential areas to develop job training schemes for establishing a culture of openness and recognition across different cultures.

Implementation of the training concept

In order to meet the requirements of comprehensively raising the target groups’ awareness, expertise was called on from general nurses and relevant management staff from the participating organisations, and from a theatre educator. The focus here was on the joint integration process in the care team as well as on mutual respect and recognition as a person. The concept comprises training modules which are implemented in the form of workshops for the care teams. At the same time, it also included advisory sessions of managers on intra-institutional issues and problems within the integration process. The modules are carried out in in-house workshops. Themes such as induction, team culture, intercultural communication, understanding of nursing and mutual respect are developed interact­ively. Practical methods often used include case studies and role plays which have been developed based on observational and interview records.


A culture of openness and recognition is a positive way of ensuring staff can cope with everyday care work in intercultural teams. The TransCareKult training has been implemented across Hesse since 2016. So far, 950 people have attended the training. These include general nurses with and without a migration background, managers, and educational specialists in the area of vocational nursing training. A further 50 members of staff in the organisations attended advisory sessions concerning a catalogue of recommendations. The training aims to consider the needs and requirements of care specialists and of the organisations in equal measure. Demand for the provision was high, however, due to the precarious staffing situation, it was not always possible for care staff to receive an absence leave.

Addressees for transfer:

Companies and training service providers operating in the healthcare sector

“TransCareKult” training concept:

TransCareKult is a training concept that seeks to establish a culture of openness and recognition across different cultures in residential healthcare and nursing organisations. Also being established is a two-way integration process with its opportunities and challenges. All stakeholders need to be made aware of these. The concept comprises training modules which are systematically implemented in workshops. Managers can also make use of the advice.


TransCareKult – Anerkennungskultur verankern, Bindung stärken (“establishing a recognition culture, strengthening retention”)


Hessisches Institut für Pflegeforschung (HessIP), Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Project contacts: Christina Gold / Sabrina Khamo Vazirabad/Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schulze, Nibelungenplatz 3, 60318 Frankfurt a.M., Tel.: 069/1533 2675, transcarekult(at) 

