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including hands-on report and interview with Anna Stein, contact partner for the online reference work at the coordination office of the regional IQ network for Bavaria

Retaining, sharing and expanding knowledge

MigraWiki is a tool for collecting information about region-specific practice in professional qualification recognition and about training offers in Bavaria.

Starting point/challenge

In the Network IQ Bavaria, differences in the level of knowledge of subprojects and also between new and experienced advisers had been clearly apparent for some time. There was a lack of standardised and network-wide sources covering region-specific approaches in credentials recognition and training opportunities. These were sources which would enable new colleagues to quickly acquaint themselves with the day-to-day work of an adviser. It was also hard to share ideas informally during the coronavirus pandemic when everyone was working from home.

An appropriate technical tool for gathering and expanding on the information available was the tool of choice. The technology needed to allow content to be created in a user-friendly way, which is easy to read, as well as offer very good search options. There also needed to be scope for links and document appendices. Content had to be carefully researched and prepared. This meant that, alongside their actual work, advisers also had to find time so that everyone could benefit from the tool.

Implementation of the tool

In 2020, a working group of advisers from different locations started setting up the information platform. Work began on the detailed documentation of training in the respective regions. The goal was to make it easier to provide advice and to improve this process by sharing knowledge in a straightforward way.

The working group launched a wiki using the free software "Doku Wiki". Learning how to install and administer the software did not take long. It meant an adviser was also able to take care of user administration and settings. Working on a joint project also strengthened ties and cooperation within the regional network.

This cheap and modern MigraWiki tool works like its "bigger brother" Wikipedia on the internet. It is a way of making combined knowledge available in an online reference work. It differs from a book or a word document in that the information is not just built up linearly, i.e. alphabetically or by subject, but can also be linked together.


Currently, information covering around 40 occupations and training offers has been entered. This can be used when preparing to provide advice, when training new staff, or even during a consultation. It is also possible to print out a page of the wiki for those seeking advice.

The wiki is constantly growing and is being used by more and more advisers. The wiki is an information platform which systematically documents and provides region-specific knowledge from practice acquired by advisers over many years. The current aim is to increase information available relating to recognition. Transferring the MigraWiki tool to further stakeholders within and outside the regional network would also be conceivable over the long term.

Addressees for transfer:

Advice centres

MigraWiki tool

The MigraWiki tool is an information platform providing specialist knowledge and region-specific content about practice in professional qualification recognition and about training offers in the Network IQ Bavaria. It documents information which cannot be found online but which has been acquired by advisers from their experience in providing guidance over many years and in many different types of cooperative arrangements. A coherent system is used to document information and to make it retrievable. The wiki supports knowledge management and quality assurance within the network. It also prevents knowledge from practice being lost and allows new expert advisers to acquire the specialist knowledge they need. The wiki can be expanded in terms of themes covered and content, and the running costs and technical work involved are minimal.

Field of work:

Online reference work by and for advisers in the Network IQ Bavaria


Tür an Tür – Integrationsprojekte gGmbH

Responsible for the field of work:

Anna Stein | Wertachstr. 29 | 86153 Augsburg | Germany | +49 (0) 157 80 59 14 50 | anna.stein(at)
